

Universe where we live can be transformed to a you better place through books. Books feed the mind and the soul. The School Library has a huge collection of books on all subjects besides Encyclopedias, Magazines, Newspapers and Digital Medias. We encourage our students to read more. Reading habits helps the students come up with their own creative thoughts and ideas for successful career. 

Library Rules:

The library is the intellectual store house of the school. Great labor has been done into its setting up. Students must take full advantage and add to their store of knowledge.

1. All should see that an atmosphere of silence and seriousness is preserved in the Library at all times.

2. Each student at the beginning of the Scholastic Year is given a "Library Card".

3. Students are not allowed to take into library their own books or any other personal belongings.  A personal diary may, however be taken for the purpose of note-taking.

4. Only one book can be borrowed at a time. A book may be retained for seven days only, after which his/her card may be confiscated.

5. A book may be reissued, but not more than twice. However books demanded by other borrowers will not be reissued.

6. Book lost, defaced, dirtied, or damaged in any other way will have to be made good by the borrower.
7. Magazines, reviews and other periodicals as a rule are not to be taken out of the library. The same rule applies for reference books which must be scrupulously returned after consultation.

8. No books will be issued to any one unless he/she presents the library card which if one chance to lose, a fine of Rs. 10/- will have to be paid for getting a new one. The lending card, may, however be refused to, or withdrawn from a candidate who is habitually, careless or guilty of missing the library privileges.

9. Books taken out of the shelves, must be left on the table, the librarian would put them back in their proper places.

10. Books borrowed should be returned before the commencement of the exams.


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